MITWPU Entrance Exam

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Recover Password

Multi-Factor Authentication

Set up virtual MFA device

Step 1: Scan the QR code below using any authenticator app of your choice such as Google Authenticator, Microsoft Authenticator, Authy, etc..
Scan this QR Code using Google Authenticator app
Or enter the key below in the Authenticator app Key:
Step 2: Once you've scanned the QR code or entered the secret code, complete the setup by entering the code listed in your Authenticator app

Verify OTP

Please enter the OTP that we have sent to your registered email id.

Confirm Mobile

We require you to confirm your mobile number so that our support team can reach you when required.

Mobile Verification

Please enter the OTP, received on your mobile number

OTP Expires in: 05:00

OTP Expired

Update Password

Account Blocked

Your account is blocked


Pending Payments

Expiry Date

Steps to Set/Reset the Password:

  1. Click on Forgot password button.
  2. Enter your registered email-id and then click on Recover button.
  3. Search for an OTP mail from in your registered email inbox.
  4. Once you find the OTP email, click on the 1st link given in the email.
  5. Set and Confirm a new password of your choice.
  6. Click on the Submit button to set the password and login into the portal.

Steps to Start the Test

  1. Enter your registered email-id and password and then click on Submit button.
  2. Click on Open Test button against the scheduled test.
  3. Allow permission to microphone and camera and clear environment check.
  4. Capture your face.
  5. Capture/Upload the ID card.
  6. Confirm the Face and ID upload.
  7. Wait on the next page until the Start Test button appears.
  8. Click on the Start Test button, once it appears.